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How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted

  1. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Download and install the latest macOS update: step 1, image 1 of 2 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Download and install the latest macOS update: step 1, image 2 of 2
    • Go to System Preferences and click on Software Update.

    • Check if an operating system update is available. In case the system says: “An update is available for your Mac”, select Install Now. As the restart problem often happens after the update (especially a big one), there are good chances Apple already introduced a supplemental update to eliminate the bug.

  2. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Scan the hard disk for possible errors: step 2, image 1 of 3 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Scan the hard disk for possible errors: step 2, image 2 of 3 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Scan the hard disk for possible errors: step 2, image 3 of 3
    • Press the Go button and select Utilities from the drop-down menu.

    • Select Disk Utility.

    • In the sidebar, select the primary disk volume and press the First Aid button. After that, press Run.

    • The scan will start. This utility will check if your HDD or SSD drives have errors and also try to repair those errors found. It is advised to check other volumes based on the same logic.

  3. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Optimize your disk space: step 3, image 1 of 3 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Optimize your disk space: step 3, image 2 of 3 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Optimize your disk space: step 3, image 3 of 3
    • Open the Apple menu and click About This Mac.

    • Go to the Storage and see how much free space is available.

    • Click the Manage button on the right, alongside the primary disk volume.

    • Read the recommendations and click through the categories on the right to optimize storage, reduce clutter, and free up some space.

  4. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Remove unnecessary Login Items: step 4, image 1 of 2 How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Remove unnecessary Login Items: step 4, image 2 of 2
    • Click the System Preferences and go to Users & Groups.

    • To make any changes here, you need to click the lock icon on the left and then enter the admin password. Once done, click the Login Items tab.

    • Select apps that you do not wish to run at startup. Click the minus sign to remove these apps from the list.

  5. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Examine any third-party hardware: step 5, image 1 of 1
    • In case you replaced the original memory chip, check if the new one is installed rightly and works correctly.

    • Study Apple Support specifications as to maximum memory allowed. Deviating from Apple recommendations may push your computer to act up strangely and reboot randomly.

    • In case you replaced your hard disk, it is also advised to check if it is installed properly.

  6. How to prevent your Mac from being randomly restarted, Check other connected devices: step 6, image 1 of 1
    • Sometimes things like your keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, or printer may cause tech issues due to faulty drivers that cause hardware conflicts. So, you need to eliminate possible errors here too. Disconnect peripheral devices one at a time and check if random reboots stop.


Frequently, the above steps help get rid of “Your computer was restarted because of a problem” messages and irritating device reboots. Remember that reasons may vary. You will need to go through hit-and-miss to identify the nuisance.

4 other people completed this guide.

Alex Vakulov

Member since: 03/08/21

253 Reputation

1 Guide authored


And after ALL these have been tested and found nothing (because my Mac-mini has no extra hardware, or Mal-functioning hardware) and my file-system is perfect, and I have no login items at all) and I even took the liberty and run a few malware-searching facilities (MalwareBytes and friends) AND FOUND NOTHING!!!

Still, every morning My Mac looks like it auto-restarted itself, The zillion volumes on my external drive are re-mounted (whereas I dismounted them in the evening) and all my apps are closed.

What gives????

I would expect such essay to go a little beyond the most blunt tools, and at least enumerate the MECHANISMS that can cause auto-restart.

I found in the Preferences panels (Energy) a place where you can schedule auto wake-ups, sleep-cycles, restarts etc. (none)

I know that auto-updates of the OS may cause a restart - but I have them turned off.

What can be the cause?

Motti Shneor - Reply

My MacBook Air auto-restarts when I forget to shut off... CandyCrush before closing the screen for the night.
Maybe you have a program running, that causes the auto-restarts ?

anne guillaume - Reply

I had this issue for about 2 years until I decided to removed all RAM an installed new RAM and it stopped restarting!

Joe Rivera - Reply

I use mac studio M1 ultra, and it's random restart too, mac is so bad in stability

Agung Norhasni - Reply

Tengo el mismo problema. He contactado con Apple y le han hecho todas las revisiones posibles, pero el Mac se sigue reiniciado debido a un problema, Me han enviado un enlace para enviar comentarios y os lo adjunto para ver si entre todos conseguimos que Apple haga un parche para solucionar el problema, igual que hizo con Monterrey, ahora debería hacerlo con ventura. Este es el enlace:

Puedes dejar tu feedback en este enlace >

Juan Pedrosa Luna - Reply

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