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Brief document on how to locate the date of manufacture of an automobile battery, some have it silkscreened in the superior part in a lateral part, some in a terminal with die-cut numbering, but the majority of batteries have it indicated in the worst place and the most uncomfortable and complicated to review, IN THE BASE OF THE BATTERY.
The battery used in this example has been removed from an automobile, as it had reached the end of its useful life, it was already showing signs of not starting properly, it has lasted from 04/12/2016 to 27/01/2023 just over 6 years.
What is the useful life of a car battery? The answer is simple, it depends on the country where you buy it, it is purely a matter of PROGRAMMED OBSOLESCENCE, that is to say, in Spain and Europe, that our sales guarantee is 2 years, the batteries last an average of 4 to 5 years, they would last more if distilled water could be replaced, nowadays.
The batteries come sealed with NO MAINTENANCE, when it is a lie, you need to replenish water, otherwise they do not last.
In Central and South American countries, the sales warranty is 1 year, so batteries usually last 2 to 3 years at the most.
The circle on the left side, numbered from 1 to 12, indicates the MONTH OF CONSTRUCTION, in this example, 6 = JUNE.
The circle on the right, varies according to the years, this example marks 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 with the arrow pointing to 16, so it indicates the year of manufacture, 2016.
Dates we can ascertain with the sticker of when it was installed, Manufactured: 06/ 2016 Installed 04/12/2016.
How to locate the date of manufacture on many automotive batteries.
How to locate the date of manufacture on many automotive batteries.
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Date pour Batterie Bosch Z5G211103 1385
merci du retour info
Jean Jacques Thomas Hola, si no usa el mismo metodo que he indicado alguna lleva sertigrafia en el plastico superior o en el borne, si no esta en ninguno de estos sitios, no se donde la llevan.
Ce n’est pas la date de fabrication de la batterie mais celle de l’emballage de la batterie Ces 2 dates se font lorsque l’injection du plastique se crée. C’est pourquoi elle sont sous la batterie. La date de la batterie se fait avec les chiffres et les lettres avec les caractéristiques de la batterie
Gracias por el aporte
Hola. La vida útil de las baterías? Comienza desde el primer momento en que fue reactivada. (Cuando le pusieron el acido).