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The Open Biomed
Repair Manual Library

Explore over 20,000 repair manuals!

No technician is an island, and this collaborative library exists to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and troubleshooting. We welcome biomedical engineers around the world to join iFixit’s repair community. You can make improvements, upload documents, and improve the organization. The wiki and collaborative Q&A forum helps this information to get more useful over time.

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A free globally accessible biomedical library to fix life-saving equipment

We’re building a centralized, worldwide, free resource for medical device repair documentation.

Engineers Without Borders USA and iFixit support this database of repair manuals, ranging from incubators to ventilators to blood mixers. These manuals benefit biomedical engineers maintaining critical equipment in hospitals around the world.

Managing Organization

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) operates the biomedical resource library on iFixit. 

EWB-USA is a nonprofit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects.

Supporting Partners

The following partners have pledged their support for this project.
If you’re interested in joining the effort, please email to learn more.