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The larger version of Samsung's flagship phone. Released March 2018.

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How to stop the annoying moisture detected at the USB charging port.

Help! I have a three weeks old Galaxy S9+ and the notification of moisture detected at the USB charging port is keeping me from charging my phone and keeps alerting about the moisture. I live in Michigan so it’s not overly humid. This past weekend, it was rainy and humid and the darn phone wouldn’t let me plug in the fast charger. I didn’t have my wireless charger with me.

Is there something wrong with the phone? Should I return it to Best Buy and ask for an exchange or refund? Help I am conflicted. (By the way I switched from an iPhone 8 for a change of pace.)

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Hello all ...I recently had the problem start at work sitting on my wireless desk charger. Got the moisture symbol and when I got home the constant noise. Tried lots of cables, turning off, etc. No joy. So I tried device maintenance in setting, meaning all the battery and other junk, turned off all background programs. I then took a small peice of tissue, thin tshirt material over the charging port and plugged in my charger, cleaned my charging port. This cleaned off small amounts of dirt/debris and the moisture symbol and noise went away. We shall see if this lasts. So far so good over night.


Hello everyone. This problem started to happen to me after i immersed my phone in salty water....into the sea. Nothing worked but AFTER I WASHED THE CHARGING PORT WITH NORMAL WATER ( thinking like washing the salt away) everything worked fine


My S9 is a week old and my phone is on 0% and I keep getting the same message about the moisture.

My phone is 100% dry …… any ideas ?


For now, try charging your phone wirelessly. I have found that it is often an issue with the charge port itself. If you replace the charge port it will fix the issue.


i had same problem. phone was completely dry and used new cord i just bought. it kept doing it even when powered off. but i turned plug over and it started charging, powered on and working now


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Hey guys had this problem myself and after months of playing around with it I found a solution.

  1. Buy a wireless charger and get enough charge on it to atleast be able to get into settings (2-3% would be enough)
  2. GO into settings and into battery usage
  3. Scroll down to ‘Recent Battery Usage’ and find the app ‘Android System’
  4. Tap on that and then tap on ‘Force Stop’. It had a warning that doing that could cause system problems but all it did was take away the ‘Detecting Moisture’ notification and I was able to charge again.

If you can get passed that I recommend getting a new cable, I went and bought a better one after fixing it and things were sorted. Good luck

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This worked for my s7.. thanks alot!


I have been having issues with my GS9+ saying this for almost a freaking week now! Started with the last system update. It was charging on a cord and got to 97% and then woke me up with the stupid beeping from the warning! It was NOT actual moisture. This is such a life saver! Thank you!


thanks so much. worked on my s10+


Did not work for me. All these hacks I tried work for half a day or so then it's back to the same annoying problem. Galaxy S8.


DOESN'T WORK. It only gets rid of the warning icon BUT IT DOESN'T GET RID OF THE ACTUAL MOISTURE DETECTION and rhe phone still doesn't charge.


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There is actually an easy workaround to that error! Just turn your phone off, connect the charger, and then power the phone on. It shouldn’t give you that error when you do that.

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Is the phone defective or is this just a quirk of the Galaxy S9+? Should I return it to the store for an exchange?


That’s just a quirk of that phone, especially since you live in an area that’s humid.


I've had this issue several times also. Turning off phone does not work. I needed to dry port with hair dryer, AND store overnight in a sealed tupperware filled with rice. You're right, very annoying.


Some of these posts are funny you shouldn't have this issue at all! I am on hollidays in the phillipines a very humid enviroment i am here for 5 weeks the only thing i can do to get past it is disconnect the charger reboot then when the samsung sign has scrawled across the screen in full insert the charger that works for me i have tryed rice hairdryer that didnt help me i will be blasting my provider when i get home hope this works for you!


Thank u so much it really worked and I'm so happy rn I thought my phone was about to stop working


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You could have dirty contacts in the charging port. I work in a very dusty paper mill and I'll get a moisture warning when the charging port gets dirty. Use 90% isopropyl alcohol or electronic parts cleaner and a toothbrush to clean the port. Then blow it out with canned air if you can.

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Thank you very much Daniel it works out perfectly for me and save my day. Marry christmas.


worked for me, I put a teeny bit of cotton wool on a cocktail stick and dipped it in isopropyl alcohol, it got rid of the message in just a few seconds.


Cleaned port with fine brush, rested phone on table on angle facing up, plugged in hairdryer on mid heat , approx 30cm away, let it run for 20 min.problem disapeared.

Firstly though I went into settings .device apps,usb settings then clear cache, to make sure it was not phone.,it wasn't,t, it was minute moisture as phone was in my pocket , probably upside down, and I got wet walking in


Thanks very much it worked magic


Hmmm the problem kept coming again and again ooo even cleaning the port with alcohol/spirit


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Use Android System Recovery Option to bypass Moisture detected at 0% charge.

When phone is at 0% and it shuts down, the moisture detected error doesn’t let the phone charge even if left plugged in for hours. The screen shows 0% always.

However, the phone charges if it can be turned on till home screen. So I tried a method and it worked for me:

1. Let the charger be plugged in the phone.

2.  Press & hold these buttons together: power + volume up + Bixby

3. Android logo will be displayed. Installing system update will show.

4. Press the volume down key several times to enter android system recovery option screen.

5. When you arrive at recovery option screen, Leave it as it is for 10 to 15 minutes. The phone will charge to 5 to 10%.

6. Select "reboot system now" (use volume up/down button|) and press the power button.

The phone will restart and you will see the full screen and charge %.

From there on you can keep charging without the annoying message.

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ty, i try it and it worked


Thia did not work


It worked like a dream after this good advice. Greatly appreciated tech guru


I can bypass the issue by plugging in the charger while it is booting up. Regardless Samsung needs to fix this issue. I am afraid if I send in my device they will tell me I am at fault even though I know my tablet never came into contact with water....


Thank you very much, worked for me :)


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I found a easy solution to this.

First go into safe mode and find out if its a hardware or software problem. Restart phone, press both volume and power buttons while its restarting to get there. While in safe mode try the charger. If you get the same $@$* its the hardware, so theres some kind of moisture dmg. Follow the drying instructions.

If it goes away then its something in the software or operating system. Luckily i found a quick easy fix. Boot phone normally and just goto setting and use the device maintenance option. This should fix the problems if its a usb cache or memory error.

If problem persists you might have to wipe the storage/disc partition or try clearing cache manually. The details for this you can find easily with a google search. Just type (phone model here) wipe partition OR wipe cache

Allright, hope this helps guys.

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Rebooting in safe mode and charging is working for my Samsung Galaxy TabA. Thank you. Let me see if this comes again!!


Ι've had the same problem with my samsung galaxy s7 edge. It's supposed to be waterproof, so last night when I had a beach party and my phone slipped off my hand and got dirt all over it, I put it's charging port into the sea. I didn't really think of it until I came home and the detector kept going off. I didn't do anything then, but today, I rinsed it off with clean water and used a toothbrush and a swab to clean the dirt off. I used a blow dryer to its lowest level and blow dried the water off. The problem was solved.


Was having this issue after a recent Android update. Clearing the cache for the Android System fixed it. Go to Settings > Apps. Tap the ..., Choose show system apps. Tap Android System, then tap Storage > Clear Cache.


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I tried the following:

Turn off the phone

Hold Power Button + Volume Down button until the android icon shows

Then put power cable back in (still holding the buttons)

Wait about 5 seconds then release the Power & Volume down button

Battery is now charging in fast mode

Found this solution on another forum - hope it works for you

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This is a known software issue, no fix as of 9/7/2022.

Assuming zero moisture exposure, shut phone down, plug charger in, reboot phone. It takes a minute but error will clear. This has saved my S9 every time. I have noticed if my charger is plugged in but not charging, it throws this error. Confirmed nothing wrong with charging cord. If phone battery is dead you will need to charge wirelessly to around 10% before attempting reboot. Also if phone is HOT allow to cool a bit first.


Colin Roberts, you nailed it. I had a Note 10 and an S21 BOTH not charging wired. Your fix corrected BOTH. I tried everything short of a factory rest on these. Thanks for posting


This definitely worked on my S10e


This is the only trick that fixed my problem. I was so frustrated that I actually bought a S23. But I kept my S10 because I liked it more than the new phone. I will be returning the S23 in the morning. Thanks Colin... you saved me $1,200.


it works on my S10e.. u save my life. Thanks Colin!!


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On a Galaxy S8 I tried all the ideas presented in this thread but nothing worked. Finally the only method I found was to power-off the phone, then power-on without the charging cable connected (it does not start otherwise), then immediately after the logo is shown on the screen, plug the charging cable. There is no more moisture error after that and I could get normal charging (fast charging is not working in this way for some reason). Removing the cable and plugging it back in gives the same moisture error so for a recharge I need to start over with the power-off -> power-on cycle.

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This works, thanks man you just saved me a board replacement


That didn't work for me, but getting the phone into safe mode worked. Then I could plug it in to charge. To do that, turn off the phone. After a 20 second break, you press both the volume up and power on buttons at the same time till the Android sign appears. Then with one finger still holding down the power button, you press the volume down button several times, and the phone will say safe mode. Then you can charge it with no message.


Thanks a mill worked like a charm.

So happy it was one of the simpler solutions that worked.


Almost! Try Colins Roberts' fix below and you may not need to do this every time you plug in.


S20 phone. Had "moisture" alert and "overheating" alert so phone would not charge when on nor off.

This trick worked.

FYI, wireless charging is so slow (3 to 4 hours) it sucks! Super fast charging at 1 hour is perfect!


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I am a electronic technician and Java Software Programmer with 24 years, so I attempted all suggestions in here and did even many other "tricks" but NOTHING worked. I am convinced it was NOT a HARDWARE problem. So I suspected it was a software issue, a misbehaving app? virus? OS/firmware corrupted? or something like that so..... I reset to factory reset and now all is working fine. Unfortunatedly, I lost many files but restore about 80% succesfully thanks to two things:

  1. Google acccount backup in the cloud AND #2. I setup a SAMSUNG account with SAMSUNG backup and I restore many files but not all of them. I should had added my download folder to the Google Drive auto backup but I never set that up! In any case the phone works perfectly fine now, which confirms beyond any doubt that it was NOT a hardware problem but a SOFTWARE issue.

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This is a known software issue, no fix as of 9/7/2022.

Assuming zero moisture exposure, shut phone down, plug charger in, reboot phone. It takes a minute but error will clear. This has saved my S9 every time. I have noticed if my charger is plugged in but not charging, it throws this error. Confirmed nothing wrong with charging cord. If phone battery is dead you will need to charge wirelessly to around 10% before attempting reboot. Also if phone is HOT allow to cool a bit first.


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I experienced the moisture indicator problem on my customer's Note 10 Plus. She was positive that it had not been exposed to moisture. I tried all of the non-invasive methods mentioned in previous posts, with no benefit. Through process of elimination, I concluded that there was a failure of the moisture sensor on the charging port board. So I replaced it, making sure to perfectly match the model number on the board with that of the phone. (This is extremely important as a slight mismatch will result in the device going into a semi-airplane mode.) Problem resolved. In this instance the issue was physical, not a defect in Samsung's programming or software.

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I wanted to put a comment up . I had same issue on two of my phones my s9 plus . And then my husband gave me his note 10 plus when he upgraded I thought yes I can finally charge via a cable .. 2 weeks later moisture alert.. I was gutted. I took the phone to a phone repair shop as I was not letting this damm moisture alert beat me. £40 and its fixed. My last phone was my sons and he was bad for knocking the phone when then phone was plugged into charger and my husbands note 10 plus was on his motorbike on a charger so the vibrations had caused a wire on a board to come loose causing the phone the think there was water in the charger port or dirt.. Its a simple fix but I would recommend just taking your phone to a repair shop. I have had no issues with my note 10 plus since.


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Simple fix - clean the charging port.

The easiest way is to get some isopropyl alcohol, a clean microfiber thin cloth (used for cleaning glasses) and a sim tray remover (or something as thin and sturdy).

If you've had your phone a good while, you wouldn't believe the muck that builds up inside the charging port.

The trick is to get a corner of the the cleaning cloth damp with the isopropyl alcohol, put that corner over the port then use the sim tray remover point to gently push the cloth into either side - and move gently back and forward a few times. You want the cloth to "fold" so the point is enclosing the sim tray remover point - it will be a little bit tight, that's what you want - be gentle with it!

If you do this right and if your phone is old, you will absolutely see some gunk now on the edge of that cleaning cloth.

I'm guessing most of it is old "pocket lint" that over time gums up with moisture.

Patience is key.

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I have a galaxy z fold3 and have the moisture issue. None of the above solutions have worked. I also replaced the charger port and the error did not vanish. I have tried all recommendations out there and believe it must be a software issue. It's not an app issue as everything checks out ok in safe mode.

Phone was never around any moisture. If anyone has any other thoughts it would be appreciated. Wireless charging is slowwww.

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s9: after a couple weeks of wireless charging i gave up on this and got an s22. since all was lost i decided to leave it connected regardless of the warning. with the phone powered off it showed a warning icon but didn't beep or anything, and seemed to be charging. after a while charging and unplug+plug again eventually the warning sign went away, now it seems to be happily charging.
Turned the phone back on and now its charging and not complaining. Let's see how long this lasts!

I don't suggest doing this unless you're out of options. If it's actually wet and you ignore it it may damage the phone (mine was definitely not wet, possibly was damaged but doesn't seem like it).

Unfortunately it's too late to return the new phone. I don't think s9->s22 is worth the cost delta.

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This is a known software issue, no fix as of 9/7/2022.

Assuming zero moisture exposure, shut phone down, plug charger in, reboot phone. It takes a minute but error will clear. This has saved my S9 every time. I have noticed if my charger is plugged in but not charging, it throws this error. Confirmed nothing wrong with charging cord. If phone battery is dead you will need to charge wirelessly to around 10% before attempting reboot. Also if phone is HOT allow to cool a bit first.

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Tried some of the methods mentioned and could not get it to work. However , what got the job done was going into usb settings and force stop it.

To enter usb settings,

  • Go to settings
  • Go to apps
  • Go to filter and sort icon and activate the show system apps
  • Either scroll down and find usb settings or search it using filter at the top
  • Press on the force stop at the bottom

I hope this may help you in facing the same problem. If the same problem happens again, i will try to find a way and will post it here again.

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What I did to fix the issue. Was boot into recovery mode and let it sit there for like 10 minutes. Then I restarted a system and now it's charging. Boy that was weird


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Had this issue for over 24hrs and the solution that worked for me is as follows:

1. If your phone hasn't died yet, switch off your phone.

2. Obtain a can of Abro Circuit Cleaner. (should be available at your local hardware store)

3. Spray once directly into the charging port.

4. Use something thin like a sim card tray key to guide a dry, static free cloth into the spaces between the charging pin to remove any excess Circuit Cleaner.


Use a can of compressed air to blow out any excess Circuit Cleaner.

5. The notification should be removed and charging resumed as usual.

I hope this helps!

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I had this issue on a Samsung A52s 5G phone and even after doing all of the things here, plus those of other sites, the problem remained. What worked for me was using an alcohol wipe/pad on the phone charging port and then going to my car and blowing the AC air into the port to dry it out properly. This fixed the problem for me.

I am pretty careful with my phone so know it was was never immersed in any fluid so assume it must be from the high humidity as I live in Indonesia.

Hope this can help someone as it took me a while to get rid of the annoying tone assosiated with the fault.

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just plug the charger in the socket for two minutes and then connect the phone to charger

best solution :)

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Add a comment this will help you just go and solve your problem.

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My a73 has the same problem and the battery is flat and don't have wireless charger close-by. Have tried clearing thr charging port with alcohol but it is not charging and the warning doesn't go either.

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It seems some of these solutions work on some phones and not on others. (I've never had any of them work on mine) This is a Samsung defect and should be addressed by them but they aren't stepping up to the plate. If nothing else I'd like to have the ability to disable the warning entirely. I'd be happy to trust myself to know when my phone has been subjected to water.

In my experience, the warning will clear itself automatically at times. I've seen it do so in a couple of days and this last time it took a few weeks. I have a couple of wireless chargers so can still function but it's a real PITA. I'd be eternally grateful if someone has a software fix to disable the moisture warning that Samsung won't take responsibility for.

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I was able to clear the moisture warning by having the port cleaned at a repair shop. It happened a second time with another phone and I was able to clean the port with a thin screwdriver for scraping and a toothbrush. The repairman said oil and dust build up giving you that error, and making it difficult to plug in a charger in some extreme cases. Mine was so dirty the usb-c plug kept falling out, or would give me a charging ⚠️ saying moisture detected.


Last night I had my phone plugged in as usual and we had a storm which flashed the power on and off in the house. That triggered the moisture warning at 2:30AM. This is definitely a software issue and not something to do with dirt or moisture.


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Clean the charging port and the usb

with alcohol , dry it with air blower

Power off the phone and plug in the charger

Ignore the water drop message and leave it some time and it will charge.

(My phone A33 5G , one UI 5.1 ,Android 13)

Block Image

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samsung is a garbage company that purposefully do this stuff to make you keep buying new phones, def switching to an iphone. anyways in 2023 ive tried basically all these methods and none of them work but i have found something similar to a popular one. so whenever you force stop the "Android System" app which others have talked about it does get rid of the notification but still doesnt let you charge. to bypass that, put your phone on the higher battery saving mode which limits all background activity, then force stop android system twice and plug your charger in. even if theres the beeping from the alert just keep it in for a few seconds and it should work, it did for me. im just sick of this i factory reset my phone without backing up my photos so theyre all gone now. save yourself the pain and get a different phone after

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Although I feel your solution to this problem is a really good one, I am perplexed by your decision to do a factory reset without backing up your photos. Automatic back up is easy to set up on a Samsung device via Google or One Drive, so not having that in place is just a bone-headed omission on your part. If photos (and other data) are important, then take 30 seconds to make sure they're protected so they can be restored in the event your device is lost/stolen/damaged or needs a factory reset. And if you think switching to an iPhone is a smart way to avoid planned obsolescence, think again. Apple is infamous for intentionally bricking or throttling older devices in an effort to force consumers to buy a newer one. I'm guessing you're not old enough to remember Batterygate?


I've tried all the tricks suggested in this website and all the other websites, but still had the wet port error.

Tonight just opened the rear of my Samsung S10 and disconnected the Battery and then reconnected it, issue resolved !!!!!!

You may need to take it to a Phone repair shop to that though


Some issues resolve it for a period of time. I have had two phones do this now. But the only solution that permanently fixed it was taking it to a phone repair shop. I had phone insurance on my phone so I wanted to know of it was more than the excess to fix. £40 and it was a loose wire on a board on the phone. One phone was due to it being plugged in on a motorbike and the other was probably due to the charger cable being tripped on while the phone was plugged into it as my son gave me the phone and he was always forgetting he had plugged the phone in and would walk into the charger cable and the phone would get pulled.


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What worked for me:

I had a Galaxy S10 and never had this issue. I replaced it with an open box S10 and that one had the issue. None of the above solutions worked but what I have found works is using different charging cables. I have some cables that will trigger the issue every time and some that never will. I don't know if it's the connection or the cable but it's without a doubt happening with some cables and not others. Ever since I've limited my charging to only certain cables I haven't had the warning come up and it's been several months of daily use. Note that once the warning comes up, switching cables might not work. You'll have to wait til you can get rid of the warning. Also, I have never gotten the warning to go away with any of the solutions offered... it seems to just go away on it's own after time though that can be a few hours or a few days or even weeks.

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Just bought a new a34 5g and this error came up, i tried almost everything, safe mode, usb settings cache, stoping android system, letting it charge in recovery mode, charging in pc, trying to bypass... I also did a factory reset. Nothing worked, i will go to repair shop tomorrow but with someone have a new way to fix it pls say to us.

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I switched the usb and worked for some hours and That error apeared again, pls someone know a New way to fix it?


@lucascj Clean the port. You have to get it right though. I had this problem for months, tried cleaning several times. Still the same problem. I was about to get a new phone and had one last go. You need a thin lint free cloth, some isopropyl alcohol and a thin point, like a sim tray remover.

Make a corner of the cloth damp, fold it over the point of the sim tray remover and gently push it into the port, rub back and forth, do this on both sides. Do it again. And again. If you see any gunk build up on the cloth, then it's working.

I've had no problems for the last 2 weeks - fixed.

Once fixed, you may want to consider throwing out the cable and charger plug you use the most for charging. I noticed my cable was getting hot - very hot - and it may well have been this that was heating up the port, along with any lint in there and effectively gumming everything up.


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