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Repair information and guides for the Apple iPhone 5s that was announced on September 10, 2013. Model: A1533, A1453, A1457, A1528, A1530, A1518

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iPhone stuck on red battery logo screen

My iphone died completely and turned off. So it's been 3 hours charging and it's not turning on, it's totally just stuck on the red battery logo screen. I was thinking about restarting it or put it in dfu mode, but there are two problems: 1) my home button isn't working, 2) it's turned off so it's not detectable to the pc

Anyone got any idea how to fix that?

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omg thank you for this!! I had the same issue and took your advice but propped it up next to my space heater for a minute and boom! Fixed it. Thanks again!!


It will sound incredibly peculiar, but years ago, my father gave me some old stock wristwatches, all in working order. After a plane ride home, they didn't run. Dad said to lay them, face up, on an electric heating pad for a little while. Voila! We supposed it had to do with a lubricant seizing up. Have not had the same issue again. Old Wives and Good Grandfathers' tales are the best


I was able to get out of this case by following the above steps..

Plug in iPhone into USB on PC

Hold the home and power button together until screen is black. Release the power button and only hold the home button until iTune symbol appears.

Now, unplug the iPhone and plug it into the wall charger, NOT the USB charger on PC. This action allowed the phone to keep charging without entering the boot loop

If the Apple logo reappears, then try step 2 again.

The phone will clear itself and power again with the login screen.

It worked for me in less than an hour.


@melissarycroft (06/24/2019)

Wow, thanks! I wasn’t expecting this to work but it was the only thing that fixed my iPhone SE which was stuck on the red battery and would not power on.

Many thanks!


Thank you so much! I was having the same issue on my iphone 6 but the hairdryer tricked worked. I had to try it twice because I thought my phone cover would be thin enough to transfer the heat but I guess not because when I tried again without it, the apple logo came up instantly!


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Just disconnect your iPhone from the charging cable. Then keep your iPhone/iPad face down and use a hair dryer aiming at the device’s back right side and edge where the battery is located, for about 2 minutes.

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Never heard of this before. Tried every other solution including restarting it by holding down home and side buttons and trying to connect it to iTunes. This was the only solution that worked.

I plugged it in, laid it face down and used the hair dryer on hot for 2 minutes until I noticed the phone turned on. Thank you for this!


OMG, That worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Incredibly, the hair dryer trick worked on an iPhone 6 that was stuck on the red battery screen. It’s worth a try!


It worked thank you very much!!


It worked! Probably not good for the battery, but if you don't have hours to wait for an ultra-dead battery to charge, then this can save your bacon.


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If the phone isn't charging it could either be a fault with the charger, the USB lightning cable, the battery or the charging port in the phone (or a combination of some or all of those parts)

The charger and cable you can easily replace yourself, so I would start there! borrow one from a friend if you don't have a spare.

If that doesn't fix the problem, then look at replacing the battery and charging port in the phone.

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It worked thanks so much


Wow I phone 12 and this did work. My hone was stuck not charging .


Boost the battery


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It worked Omar. I’m amazed! But why does that make things work???? It is bizarre hocus pocus…it would seem. I once had an old MacBook Pro that I was able to bring back from the dead by wrapping it in a blanket and plugging it in to get it to overheat (some said it was a trick to fix heat sink paste or bad solder joints involved with a faulty Nvidia gpu)…eventually the trick didn’t help anymore, and I broke down and replaced the laptop. How long can I expect the hairdryer fix to keep my iPhone 6 alive…any ideas?

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I have an iPhone 4s that suddenly turned off when I tried to switch it it shows empty battery icon but when I tried to charge it it simply shows first battery icon then shows apple icon and this cycle continues till I remove charging cable

Home button does not work

Help me plese


@waqardar200 If your home button doesn't work then you need to buy a spare.

And check your battery connecter or try a genuine apple adapter.


The hairdryer worked!


the hair dryer worked again!!


Thank you so much! After trying to reset it many times which did not work this actually worked for me. I put it under my computer to warm it up. I forgot about it then went to check on it later and it was working!


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hm yes answer your own question seems legit

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What if I don’t have a hair dryer!?

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You can plug it in, and wrap it in a shirt, blanket, etc, and the heat from charging will turn it on. Hope it helps!!


i really didn’t expect this to work but it did. it only worked once i took my phone case off though and kept it plugged in.


Thanks a lot. I wrapped the phone in a blanket and plugged it in. It came back to life after several other attempts that did'nt work. Thank you!!!


@aishamustapha how long did you leave it for?


@zachmanzanozach did the trick work on your iphone?


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No, files can not be pulled out from the device at the red battery screen. The best option is to replace the battery (costs about $10+DIY) or you can try and use a blow dryer at the back left side of the device on full heat.

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“yes it is quite 😏” - Mike Myers, 2013

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This hint fixed my iPhone in 2 minutes….so thankful

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Holy Moley, this totally works. Cheers!!


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First my IPhone was at 100% and when I unplugged it or would cut off and go to 10%

Now it is in the red battery logo and not turning it or taking

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This has been happening to me to any idea what the problem was?


Bad battery would be the issue, replace your old battery with a new one.


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Shiver my timbers it actually worked

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The hair drier did the job! Thank you so much.


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It worked great! thanks for help

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That issues sometime cause with ear speaker flex and If you restore and got error 4013 means nand problem that fix with erase and reprogram Nand.

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it worked but now my phone is stuck at 3 percent?

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Fr mines was stuck at one den eventually it turn off and did it again


just restart it i did n it worked


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yessir works like krezyy 100 percentt woooowwww graaapppeee☝???

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This is why the iPhone stuck on the red battery logo screen:

  1. It is likely that your iPhone is not charging enough or not charging properly.
  2. There might be some issue with your iOS device's battery (like its poor performance).
  3. If your iPhone has overheated due to charging, it can cause the same problem.
  4. The device battery may not be calibrated correctly and needs to be discharged first.
  5. If your iOS device is running on old or corrupted firmware, it may experience the same issue.
  6. There could be some other reason for it like low battery performance, malware attack or software related issue with the phone.

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It didn’t work it actually made it worse now it’s completely blank and won’t cut on or show anything 😡😡😡

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If the phone is stuck on the Red Battery Screen, can it still connect to a computer in this state so that files can be pulled from it?

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no, you have to have your phone powered up unfortunately


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Unplug the iPhone from the charging cable.

Place the iPhone down.

Using a hairdryer heats your iPhone's right side where the battery is located for about 2 min.

Re-plug your iPhone with a charging cable.



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the method actually worked! but 2 min did not do it for me i kept on using the hair dryer for 3 min until my phone was too hot to touch but with low heat settings and the apple sign actually showed up. the blanket thing didn’t do it for me either.

my battery was 10% when i slept with it yesterday and when i woke up in the morning it was not turning on but the red battery sign was showing

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My phone won’t turn on so I have to use my lil sis phone my phone is still stuck on the red battery logo and I have done everything I could eat do I do

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I mean wat do I do


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