MacBook shuts down randomly with still battery charge left
Lately my macbook randomly shuts down when working on it. I can work on it for about 2 hours, shut it down, but when I want to start it again later the same day, it will start and immediately after login turn back off. When I try restarting at that point the dead battery sign comes on. I know the battery is not dead, because when I plug the laptop back in, the battery is still at 40% or higher.
I don't know what I have to do, I need my macbook on the go. I'm a repairing guy, but I need tips on where to start looking.
Than again I started looking online, and found out that there is a graphics card return program. Could my macbook be considered under this program with the problems i'm having?
Update (10/09/2016)
This is how it looks right now after my first discharge and charge
Update (10/10/2016)
@danj I've done another discharge, and this is the result after.
Maybe i should indeed take the battery off and try that to give the reset.
What tutorial should i follow to do this?
Is this a good question?
Yes your machine may have this issue but it usually exhibits video or power up issues:
This can only be confirmed by taking it to an ASP or Apple store for the test.
by mayer
I suspect you didn't get the system to reset the SMC. Try again.
The other option here is to open the system up so you can disconnect the battery. But you need to hold the button a good minute as well so the system circuits are discharged.
by Dan
Ok, do I just follow the tutorial to disconnect the battery than? What button are you talking about?
by Xander Gerreman
Follow this guide:Battery and Trackpad. Disassembling MacBook Pro 15" Retina 2012-2015. Go up to Step4, that should do it.
by Dan
I hаd a similar іѕѕuе when my Mac was consistently shutting down..
Fіnаllу I mаnаgеd to resolve thе problem.
Follow thіѕ guide hеrе:
This should be helpful
by Rudolp Barnes
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