Microsoldering Beginner’s Guide: It’s Easier Than You Think
How To

Microsoldering Beginner’s Guide: It’s Easier Than You Think

Learning microsoldering isn’t as hard as you might think. In the first of this five part blog post series, we take a look at the tools needed to get started.

Of all the things I’ve learned over the years, soldering has been one of the most useful for maintaining my ever growing inventory of electronics. Though intimidating at first, it turned out to be such an easy skill to pick up, something my colleagues can attest to.

Aside from being an important skill to learn for fixing electronics and performing repairs around the house, it can also be an incredibly fun hobby: It opens the door to making everything from DIY air quality monitors to 3D-printed arcade machines. Soldering, more than anything else, has been my gateway drug to the makerspace. 

DIY Arc reactor CPU load monitor / Credit

The most basic version of soldering is called “through-hole”—because you put a wire through a hole in a printed circuit board (PCB), then secure it with a little bead of solder. With some basic through-hole experience, you can fix speakers and guitar jacks and Xbox controllers. But through-hole soldering has its limits.

For example, fixing a smartphone with a standard soldering iron would be akin to cutting a Thanksgiving turkey with a chainsaw. I’m guaranteed to cut the turkey but nobody’s getting fed.

A lot of parts inside modern electronics need a delicate touch, with some fragile components that are so small that they’re difficult to discern with the naked eye. Controlling where the tip of the soldering iron sits, how much solder is applied, and how much heat is transferred to the board—among many other factors—will determine whether you’ll successfully replace a capacitor measuring 0.1mm. 

As a repair padawan, I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to up my skills and get into the kind of soldering that requires that delicate touch: microsoldering.

To start, I have to trade in that great big honking Hakko 503F for something with a bit more finesse. 

Each iron is made for a different soldering task

As the name suggests, microsoldering is the art of soldering components of the microscopic persuasion. The tools necessary to see the workspace can range from a $30 head mounted magnifier—a very uncomfortable experience due to the limited depth of field and magnification—to a $2,000 microscope. The same applies to microsoldering irons; there are cheap and cheerful options all the way up to thousand-plus-dollar professional grade tools.

How much you spend on the tools depends on how deep you want to get into microsoldering. Generally speaking, the higher-value tools allow you to perform repairs that would be difficult or impossible with the cheaper tools.

But the tools alone won’t make me a microsoldering wizard. They wouldn’t even make me a wizard’s apprentice. So I needed to learn some basics first and for that I was lucky enough to attend Jessa Jones’ iPad Rehab: Practical Board Repair School.

It wasn’t always easy, but I’ve come away from it with renewed confidence in what I’ve been telling people every day since joining iFixit: With the right parts, tools, and information, just about anyone can figure out repair. Even microsoldering is just a matter of having the tools that will let you see what you’re working with and the know-how to do the diagnosis. Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. But I promise that if you stick with me I’ll prove it to you: You (yes you!) can become a microsolderer, too.

This is the first in a blog post series where I will recount what I learned. It won’t be the same as attending these courses in person but hopefully my experience will tempt you to start on your own soldering and microsoldering journey. 

Microsoldering School, Day One: You’re Heating the Board, Not Just the Components

Day one was mostly theory. We learned which end of the iron to hold and how to treat second-degree burns. No not really, but we did learn some fundamentals. This included a very brief introduction to Ohm’s Law and the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. It’s an invaluable principle to understand, especially when it comes to figuring out how to safely use a variable power supply.

We also learned about schematics, something I had apparently misunderstood the purpose of for years. Aside from enabling repair, I mistakenly thought these were the blueprints for reproducing a device. That’s definitely not the case. No matter how hard manufacturers try to argue it, you cannot make an iPhone clone by ordering the individual integrated circuits (ICs) from the schematics. What a schematic can do is provide us with a guide on how components are connected. It’s a map we can navigate. It’s more like the wiring diagram of a house instead of the house’s blueprint.

For legal reasons, this is not an iPhone schematic / Credit

This means that we can use schematics to backtrack from the symptom of a failure (say we have an iPhone 14 that won’t charge) and trace all the circuits that might be relevant to this failure back to the source. The problem might be a ripped contact, a broken line on the printed circuit board (PCB), or a damaged IC, among a whole host of other things. If it’s a blown charge IC (Tristar in the older iPhones and many current generation iPads) then we can quickly find where it’s located. If it’s not Tristar, the schematics allow us to trace a route further up the circuit so we can figure out where the failure point is.

Using Schematics to Fix Touch Disease

Schematics, in short, save us time and assist in diagnosis and repair. They are invaluable to technicians, repair shops and anyone interested in performing this type of repair. The lesson really sunk in when Jessa gave us a crash course in removing the touch IC on an iPhone 6 Plus. 

This is a very common failure point (what Jessa calls a “Signature Problem”) in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and came to be known as Touch Disease. We knew the symptom (a non-responsive touch screen) and we knew there was a touch IC somewhere on the logic board. Using the schematics, we could trace every potential failure point from the capacitive screen all the way back to the touch IC and beyond. 

The offending IC as identified in step 22 of our teardown

Unfortunately, the chances of finding schematics for most repairs are very slim. Most manufacturers simply don’t release schematics for their devices anymore. Hopefully that will soon change: Right to Repair laws that have passed in US states including New York, California, Oregon, and Colorado require that manufacturers provide “schematic diagrams.” But so far, to our knowledge, only Fairphone has fully complied. Rest assured that we’ll keep pushing manufacturers to make available all the documentation you need to do repair, microsoldering included.

Without schematics, we have to solely rely on other skills, like taking multimeter measurements in diode mode to identify a fault. I’ll get into more detail about taking diode measurements and interpreting the readings in the next post.

After we talked some about this theory of microsoldering, I expected we’d break out our soldering irons and get to work, removing ICs from iPhone boards. But Jessa had news for me. Unlike in through-hole soldering, where you remove a component from a board by heating up the individual solder point, a microsoldering repair usually has to start with broader heat than you can get from a soldering iron. So most microsoldering starts not with a soldering iron but with what’s called a rework station, which is somewhere between a soldering iron and a heat gun. It blows a concentrated stream of really hot air. 

Microsoldering With a Rework Station

The last lesson of the day centered around the rework station. The rework station is your best friend when dealing with surface-mount devices (SMDs)—that is, components that are mounted onto the surface of a board, not stuck through it as in through-hole soldering. In a modern smartphone or laptop, everything—from resistors and capacitors to memory and the system-on-chip brains of a device—is surface-mounted. 

SMDs often have dozens or even hundreds of individual solder points. Where a soldering iron can apply heat with pinpoint accuracy, the rework station spreads that heat over a wider area to manipulate multiple solder points. 

The Quick 861D is a capable and relatively affordable rework station

The amount of heat applied and how fast the heat is applied will be the key to success when using the rework station. You need enough heat to melt the solder under the IC but not so much that you end up frying the chip and melting the PCB. It’s easy once you understand how much heat you need and how that heat travels through your work surface.

Let’s start with the solder. We know that the melting range of leaded solder will be around 183C (361 Fahrenheit) and led-free solder around 217C (423 Fahrenheit). Most of our electronics are now made with lead free solder and that’s certainly true for the iPhone. So you’d be forgiven for thinking that if we set our rework station to 217C, that would be enough to remove any single chip on a PCB.

Except it’s not, our ICs are soldered to layers of copper sheet. Copper is very good at conducting heat, it’s one of the key characteristics that makes it an excellent material for use in electronics. Now imagine what would happen if we applied heat to the iPhone 6 touch IC while suspending the logic board in a vise. 

Notice how the temperature at the far left and center of the board rises as heat is applied to the far right of the board

That heat is going to diffuse through the board quickly, meaning the touch IC we want to remove won’t hit 217C until the rest of the board also reaches 217C. We don’t want that. Aside from the fact that all the solder points on the logic board would liquify—including the ones underneath the board that will drop away under the force of gravity—there’s a strong likelihood that we’re going to damage both the PCB and the ICs under prolonged thermal stress.

The solution? Apply heat more quickly than it can diffuse across the board. In this case it meant I had to crank the temperature up to 380C and my air to about 60 (60 what? I have no idea. Let’s call them 60 air zoomies for now).

It’s fairly easy once you know what temperature settings are appropriate, something that comes with practice and experience.

Removing an IC is a fairly quick process

One thing I noticed immediately was how each person found a temperature and air speed that they felt comfortable with. There’s a couple of reasons for this. First off, the machines aren’t finely calibrated so there’s room for error in the hardware. 

The second, and what is in my opinion the more important reason, is that everyone has a slightly different way of working. Heat and air speed are both subject to how far the iron is from the component. There’s going to be a “too close” and there’s going to be a “too far away” but there’s no perfect distance. I set my station to 380C and 60 air zoomies, Jessa set hers to 375C and 75 air, and Royce next to me had his set to 360 and 60 air. We all got the job done using roughly the same ballpark settings.

The most important lesson from this exercise was understanding how heat spreads through the work surface. We were working on a relatively tiny iPhone logic board with a relatively small thermal mass but heat management was still critical to get the job done. 

If you’re working on an ATX mainboard and trying to remove the HDMI port and struggling with these settings, guess what? The thermal properties of your work surface require a change in tactics! The ATX board and the HDMI port itself are absorbing a massive amount of heat which means the heat you’re dumping onto the solder points is traveling away from the contacts and dissipating through the board.

The more copper you have, the more heat you’ll need to apply / Credit

So, what’d we learn today, class?

  • Schematics let you trace failure points, not reproduce an iPhone.
  • When it comes to microsoldering, a rework station is just as valuable as a soldering iron. 
  • Microsoldering is the art of heat transfer. You need to develop an understanding of the material you’re working with.
  • Like many things in soldering and microsoldering, temperature and airflow settings are personal, not exact—they depend on your equipment, your preferences, and the material you’re working with.

A whole day of microsoldering school, and I didn’t even touch a soldering iron! But I got up close and personal with the technique for solving Touch Disease—which lots of people think even Apple wasn’t fixing, just replacing affected phones. 

It was also enlightening to get a feel for how heat behaves across the medium I’m working on. You could argue that soldering and microsoldering really boils down to understanding how heat behaves when it comes into contact with different materials.

With a few hours of microsoldering experience, I was already convinced that these techniques could save my time, my money, and my electronics. 

But what about other common problems on boards? Stay tuned for Day Two of microsoldering school where we’ll touch on:

  • The basics of using a multimeter
  • Identifying short circuits
  • Diagnosing faults in diode mode