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Repair guides and information for the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers.

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My right joy-con is not being recognized as connected into the switch.

Hi, I have a problem my switch does not recognize the joy con as connected when i slide it in the switch. The joy con still works but only wirelessly. It does get charged but nothing else. I tried other joy-cons with no luck.

I ordered a new right rail from eBay. I thought the rail might be the problem . I replaced it successfully but no change. If anyone has an idea i would appreciate it.

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Hi Sebastian,

Have you by any chance checked the joy-cons or the switch connector pins to see if any are bent or missing? They are located on the bottom of the plastic piece where the joy-con would slide into the rail socket and the bottom of the rail.


Ok so I got this problem:

my right joycon won’t connect handheld but will wirelessly and it charges on the switch I’m desperate for solutions but I don’t want to buy a new joycon. Any tips? I already tried what Nintendo said on their support page


Im having the exact problem and dont know what to do


I have a similar problem but with my left joycon, when detached from the console it works wirelessly, but when connected to the console the switch does not detect it being attached so will not work in sync with the right joycon unless it is also detached.



My joycon just died, stopped connecting or charging, although I've tested the battery with another joy con, and it works. What could be the problem?


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13 Answers

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I had this problem with my right Joy con not connecting wirelessly. I went into system settings, controllers and sensors. I then attached the joy con that was not connecting wirelessly to the switch. I then hit the disconnect controllers button and hit the X button. This allowed me to use the joy con wirelessly again.

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ty thanos u saved my life man


Thanks man, you saved me the hassle of buying new joycons.


Didnt work for me ;(


Well my joy con does not work when conected to the switch or wirelessly


This helps however sometimes the problem just arrises again anyways


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I had the same issue after replacing the joystick. Turned out the bottom ribbon cable of the rail was not properly connected. Hope this helps!

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How do you, in theorie, "reconnect it"? And with what?


My joy con is charging but will not even turn on when I take the charging cable out


I believe I have the same problem because I tried everything but I think it has to do with the interior. So I grabbed all of my screwdrivers I had and tried to unscrew the bottom but then I realized that I needed a tri-point screwdriver (a screwdriver that has three lines on the bottom.) This is so infuriating. >:(


Hey everyone, my discovery is something related to what alanp had suggested, but my issue was different. Yes, the end of the rail on the switch has a connector connecting the joycon and the switch to recognise it. Some of the pins are actually signal pins, if dirt gets into those pins, switch will either not recognise it or just charge it and won’t be able to use it handheld mode. What I would recommend is remove back plate and rails to access the contact points. Use isopropyl alcohol to clean it up. The connectors only work if the rail is present. That’s how I fixed mine. Thx for reading :)


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If I'm understanding you correctly, The joy con is connecting physically, but the switch isn't recognizing that it's connected?

Nintendo recommends making sure your system has all updates to fix any firmware issues.

Then, try power cycling the switch, detach the joy con, reset the joy-con’s connection by pressing the Sync button and then a button on the controller. You should be able to attach it and the Switch recognize it. If it continues to happen, just the right joy-con would have to go in for servicing. The above link has the info for Nintendo repair services if you need it.

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Ok so I had the same problem and I got it fixed. Detach the joycon and there is a small round black button on the left side, the side which gets attached and detached from the switch, it's between the Sl and Sr button. Press on the small round button and it will reset it


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I put a couple layers of painter tape on the switch side corner where the joycon slides down. These layers of tape pushed the controller outward helping the contact ribbons connect. try this!

It fixed my right controller not fully connecting.

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Could you take a photo for reference? Not exactly sure where I am supposed to put this


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Hi, I had this problem with my left Joy-Con. I was playing FIFA 20 and the switch didn’t register the joy con physically connected. When I slid it in, It wanted me to press ZL on the joy con. I did that and nothing happened. I then restarted my Switch, slid in the joy con and the switch seemed to register it.

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I had the same problem with the left joy on. I just pushed it close to the system while sliding the joycon in.


how do i restart it


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I tried all these, none worked. My joy con worked wirelessly, but not when connected to switch. Discovered the problem was not the joy con but on the switch where the joy con slides in. At the bottom of slide there is a hole and if you shine a light in there you can see the metal connectors. I just put a tiny flathead screwdriver in there covered with a soft cloth and gently cleaned it out. Put the joy con back on and this time it made the click noise and was working again.

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Ours makes the click noise when I connect it and even shows it as being connected at the bottom of the screen, but if you press any button on the controller, the controller disconnects as if that controllers been turned off.

Yet if I unattach it from the switch and use it like that like doing 2player mode or putting in one of those controller adapters, it works fine.


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The metal connection rail on the Switch can go faulty as well as the associated rail on the joycon. I think detection is made via NFC. If a known-good joycon does not detect then replacing the rail on the Switch can solve the problem.

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I tried this and I found that the aerial inside the right joy con had unplugged its self, when you open the right joy con directly below the battery you will see a piece of wire that goes round part of the battery, at one end of this piece of wire there is a round gold plug that actually plugs into the board you can just push it on with a screw driver and it will be fixed, it usually un plugs when you change the thumb stick and people don’t realise

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There are pins on the bottom of the rail that slides into the console and corresponding pins on the console itself. I am fairly certain that the console uses that connection to detect whether the joycon is attached. The rail and pins are part of the underside cover assembly. That assembly is connected to the rest of the controller by two ribbon cables. As suggested above, the lower ribbon cable goes to those pins. So, if there are no other problems with the joycon, it should just be a matter of reseating the ribbon cable correctly. However, if you, say, made a mistake like I did and didn't realize the connector was a ZIF connector and pulled the cable out without releasing it and damaged the connector, well, uh, sorry, I think it is new joycon time (unless you have the soldering skills needed to replace the ZIF connector).

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I had this problem and was able to fix it by opening up the joycon. I noticed that there was a thin small black square, on edge, next to the battery that seemed out of place (NFC perhaps?). This may have happened when I opened it up but I repositioned it back anyway. I also took some rubbing alcohol and cleaned both rail contacts on the joy con and switch (I had use a piece of paper towel and toothpick to clean the console contact). Put it all back together and now it works.

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I just purchased a Nintendo switch the right joy-con will not connect will not charge and is not recognized by the console. It worked when I first bought it only for a while I let it charge all night long and now it will not even turn on. I have tried disconnecting reconnecting disconnecting reconnecting from the console. I have tried pressing the button to reconnect the joy-con to the system. I can't even get a green light to come on on the joy-con. Please help

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I had the exact same issue (made a thread about it). If the joycon doesn't detect that it's directly attached to the Switch, it's almost certainly a problem with the bottom ribbon cable that connects the rail to the motherboard. From what I understand, this bottom ribbon cable controls the physical connection between the joycon and the Switch itself, and is used for charging, syncing, etc.

In my case, I had a bent pin in the connector that the ribbon cable goes into. Bending it into place solved the problem.

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Make sure to check that there is no tears or breaks in the joy-con rail cable. This happened to me with a left joy-con because I squeezed too hard and ripped it a tiny bit.

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