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Need to turn off passlock

Hi, all. The passlock feature on my truck engages occasionally without cause, making me sit and wait out the 10-minute delay. This is always inconvenient and has the potential for being a safety hazard. Does anyone have an idea for how I can permanently disable this feature?

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Hello fellow Colorado owners. Would just like you to know that I, along with many others, am having the same problem with the passlock system. It has become aggravating as well as very inconvenient! I called the Chevrolet Assistance Line for advice on how to go about bypassing the passlock system.. They advised that I should not try this, and should take it to a dealership. I asked to speak with someone in the engineering department to no avail. I told them that this is a design flaw and does not work as intended and that many other people are having the same problem.. So I think if enough people called to complain, they might consider an open recall. After all, this is a design flaw and I feel GM should be responsible for correcting it as they would any other design flaw in any of their models. This is definitely an issue. It could even be considered a safety issue. For those who are willing to call here is the number. 1-800-222-1020 (US) or 1-800-263-3777 (CANADA)


I called the Chevy 800 number and explained the circumstances surrounding the intermittent starting problem with my 2007 Chevy Colorado. The lady who answered was probably in India from her accent and all she could do was refer me to the local Chevy dealership where I had already been. No help whatsoever. I had no idea that this has been a problem with Chevy trucks for so long and will never buy another Chevy truck since they are unreliable and the company is in denial. What planet are they on?


Idk if anyone else has called to have the brake light recall on there colorado i had it done on my 08 colorado 2 weeks ago and have not had this passlock no start problem since if you think about it all this is related seeing as it goes through the body control module just something to give a shot seeing as its a free recall


Just for the future reference of others, regarding the brake light switch--it is not technically a recall. It was a special extended warranty part through GM, and that warranty expired in late 2014. So don't go to the dealership expecting to get a free replacement at this point like I did (even after calling to confirm and getting false information). They'll charge you around $80 to replace the switch. You can order the part for around $10 and install it yourself or find a mechanic for much cheaper. Takes about 10 minutes for someone who knows how to install it. Cheers.


I can't deal with this anymore. Every morning I have to wait 10- 15 minutes to get the my truck started. Sometime I got late to work because of this stupid issue. How can I solve this problem?


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21 Answers

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Wow, it looks like there is a whole industry built around defeating the passlock. There are a few commercial devices like this one. There is even a DIY plan for sale that they say can defeat the passlock; GM will not disable it. The only other way that I've read about is the "White/blue" method. ;-)

Step One: Start the truck, leaving it in park, and running during this process.

Step Two: Locate the plug pictured below, The plug is under the dash near the steering column. Open your driver door and stick your head on the floor near the gas and brake pedal and look up, it will be the big white plug staring you in the face. If you need anymore help let me know. You will notice that on the side closest to the front seats, the plug is pretty much split in two. We will be working with the right side of this plug. We are looking for the wire that is White with a BLUE stripe. It will be with other wires that are white/colored stripe.

Step Three: Cut this wire in half, and electrical tape both ends.

Step four: Shut off the truck, You’re done!

Try restarting it, you will see the red security light on, but that can be removed with the LED mod how to.

Check on here for more info. Hope this helps, good luck.


Images are from the same site as the link and credit to the guys at as well as an interesting schematic that may offer more of a permanent solution.

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Do you by any chance have a better picture of the blue/white plug? And from what I read if I have to replace the battery I have to reconnect the wire to start the truck and break the connection again. Is this correct?


Just a wild suggestion, how about mounting a toggle switch next to the blue plug and just switch it on when you need to?


It sure does appear that way. I think a toggle switch would be a great choice. I think that you will have to use it once the codes are cleared i.e. a battery change or any other major power interruption. Turn it of until you need to reset the computer. rj713, it's a white/blue wire that goes to the connector....


OK I like the idea of the toggle switch--give me a couple of days to get the parts and check locations. I'll let you know how it comes out.


Sorry it took so long to try. Thanks again, Ralph.


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Hey GM I have a great idea. I install systems in buildings and the security system can be programed several ways. it appears that the passkey system "FAIL OFF", meaning that if anything goes wrong with the system that it turns the system off. a lot of these cars and trucks are past ten years old and are now at the bottom of there blue book price, Really who is going to steal this old ride with 200k miles. Our systems can be set to fail on, meaning that it knows the time and year in the ECM unit so why not "FAIL ON" when it goes bad, why off. Give us a light the says security fail. The programmer had the option to turn it off or turn it on. all it would do on your 1995+ is let you drive it till you decide to get a new ride or fix the security system.

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Did u ever fix it I got a 2000 Saturn ls1 I'm having problems with it not starting it's not the fuel pump the relay is clicking I'm thinking it's something to do with my srs because it won't start at all it turns


problem is after vehical is started then preform permanent disconnect, great. Now, how to disengage if vehical is not running.


Here's an idea , stop putting these clearly useless systems in your vehicles gm! Only thing this so called anti theft system are preventing is the rightful owner's from starting and using their own vehicles and is causing potentially dangerous situations such as not being able to turn on the heater when it leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere when it's 40 below in northern British Columbia! Good job trying to kill people GM! I love my duramax but it's time to get rid of this garbage system altogether and do a recall on every single vehicle that you have installed this dangerous piece of defective junk into.


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The easiest way to bypass the Passlock 2 system is to place a resistor between the passlock sensing wire and the ground reference wire. To find these wires, look for three wires that at some point are wrapped together, coming from the ignition barrel. Usually, they are orange/black, red/white, and black. They can also be yellow, red/white, and black.

Here's how you do it:

Cut the orange/black wire or the yellow wire, depending on what you have. Strip both ends of the wire, so you can reconnect them if needed. Next you must strip some of the insulation away from the black wire, exposing the copper inside. Now grab a reliable multimeter and set it to read Ohms. stick one probe into the exposed copper in the black wire, being careful not to touch it during the resistance test you are about to do.

Hold the other probe to the ignition side of the wire you cut in the earlier step. While doing this, crank the starter and note the resistance reading you get on the multimeter.

Next, arrange one or more resistors in a chain so that they add up to the value measured while cranking the starter. You can be within about 5% of the value, and it will be accepted by the passlock system as genuine.

Once you have assembled the resistors so they represent the correct value, tightly wrap one end of the resistor through and around the exposed copper of the black wire. You may solder this connection if you desire. Protect this wire by taping over the exposed metal.

Now you take the cut wire that leads toward the Passlock module (NOT toward the ignition barrel) and connect the other end of the resistor to this wire, being sure to tape it to protect against shorting. Once that is done, be sure to tape the exposed cut wire that leads to the ignition barrel.

If you have performed these steps correctly, your Passlock system will no longer give you any problems!

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is there any pictures of the three wire connector that goes to the ignition switch that controls the passlock system?


how is that easier then cutting 1 wire ?? thats a pai n in the ass to the average person who dont work on cars


I have a chevy avalanche, I was told by two locksmiths that i didn't have a pass lock, but here I am $300 later turning my key security light comes on starter no longer engages and fuel pump will not engage, verified at relays. I have, Black, yellow, and red/w/white stripe. I placed a 2200 ohm or 2.2k resistor between the black and yellow, and I still have security light on, and still no starter or fuel pump. Any suggestions?


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Mine is a 2008 Chevy Colorado.

People this is happening with many models of Chevy and even Hummers. It is that Passlock needs to be relearned. Key turned on then try to start but don't let it, just crank it. Turn off for 5 seconds then Leave in ON position for 10 min, crank it but not start it...then off for 5 seconds, then do the 10 minutes in ON position again then off...crank for 5 seconds and ON position again for 10 min then off, then crank it and off for 5 seconds then ON for 10 minutes then off. Wait for lights to clear then START ( WATCH YOU TUBE VIDEOS)

A little over 30 minutes and this relearns the PASSLOCK.

Watch Youtube on these techniques. Again this is happening with Impala, HHR, Colorado, Canyons, and a few others.

The other option is to turn the PASSLOCK off. Use the radio to do this. Key on, press volume till readout says SETTINGS then scroll to the Security to toggle off by pressing reset ( watch YOUTUBE). I personally see no sense of having no security system so try the RELEARN method.

Other thing is that the Ignition Switch has a Sensor on it and the wire clip comes loose. You can replace or try to wedge something in there to keep it from moving around.

Also, there is a YouTube where the guy opens driver door, puts key in, car beeps the key chime fast, then turns the key to ON position and the Chime slows and the lights go off on Dash....then start the car.

Works every time he says.

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I have been told by Dealer this is a sensor inside the ignition or a module that controls the sensor.


Please file a complaint online with NTSB. It allows you in great describe exactly what symptoms you are particular experiencing.

If all of us do this it forces them to enforce GM to remedy this dangerous problem.


I installed a new ignition which has a wired switch at the end of the barrel (2 screws) and a couple wires sleeved to a snap clip. Easy to just take off new ignition and put it on the end of existing ignition barrel and so far I'm not having this passcode lockout issue anymore. Been 3 weeks now.


It has been 4 months now and by installing the wire harness on the end of the ignition barrel (or replace the whole ignition but you don't have to) it starts every time AND my transmission slip is gone! So it wasn't a slip, but a jerk sort of thing. To me that means the engine was probably misfiring while driving and it felt like the transmission. Point is..this passlock thing is tied along with other electronic fails and by replacing the wire connection on the end of ignition barrel inside steering column both my problems are permanently fixed.


California Dudeman? Is there any pic's, step by step to follow when doing this repair. I am a little afraid of the electronic tampering without some type of instruction. I have a 2001 Tahoe and I'm at my wits end with this thing. It seems to happen every day in the afternoon almost the same time. I really the the manufacture should be responsible, but we all know that they will never admit guilt. Also what part of California are you in? Thanks again.


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I has the same problem.... I found out though that my AUX PWR fuse was blown and problem fixed... Although i did try the white and blue wire... Once cut... It didnt start.... Put it back together and it worked.... Took the new Aux Pwr fuse out and it didnt start again... Put it back in and problem was fixed and havent had a problem since. Hope this was helpful enough

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where is that aux power fuse located


^same having the issue right now my 2010 colorado just got this issue if anyone has answers can you email me @ trying to get this fixed by myself and not rely on a mechanic as it is a small issue compared to the motor


Did not work for me. Neither did cutting in the white/blue striped wire while it was running. Tried to start it again, and now it didn’t just fire and stop for a few seconds, the starter wouldn’t even turn the motor over. I wish people would tell you that these things only worked on their particular vehicle, and others need to be sure that they have the same passkey/passcode version before they attempt it.


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I've been having this problem on my 02 Silverado for about 10 years. A few years ago, I bypassed the ignition cylinder by hard wiring in some resistors,and "teaching" them to the BCM; this worked fine for about 2 years until the unit would randomly drop the code. I thought I had the hot lick by getting another BCM off eBay for $20 shipped. Installed the new BCM, and relearned via the 10 min. procedure 5x to no avail- no start. I was talking to a high performance friend and he found the stupidest fix I could ever dream of on a software website. The post included the following procedure: Get in the car, shut the door, ignition on, ignition off, window down, window up, lock, unlock... The blasted thing started immediately! I was flabbergasted to say the least.

On a sidebar: I am playing with a 2002 3800 Series II v6 transplant into my 85 Pontiac Bonneville. The engine came from an 02 Firebird equipped with what I now know as Passkey 2 or 3 (resistor in key, to BCM, to PCM). I have now learned that the PCM also shuts off the injectors as well as the fuel pump. This is done via the Fuel Enable circuit to the PCM. It can be duplicated with a 5v 50hz sine wave on Passlock systems which is probably all the newrockies device does. My v6 PCM did not have the option to ignore the VATS or Fuel Enable circuit, so I had to wire in the BCM. Unplugging it while running will fool the PCM until permanent pwored is removed, at which point, the signal needs to be resent.

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I have a 2007 GMC Canyon pu that has this issue, Passlock System malfunction like everyone else, after 5 or 6 good starts, then the system shuts down, got to wait the 10 minutes, then she'll start right up again. I took it to the GMC Dealership and they said it will cost $835.00 to fix it. After reading all your remarks, I know now what the problem is for sure, and going to investagate thoroughly on recommendations in solving this problem with GMC. Wish me luck to get a Recall done here quickly..... Daymon


This issue is not limited to just your vehicles, and not just in the States. I live in Canada and drive a GM Envoy with a PKIII system on it. Recently I have had the same problems you all are having. I had it towed to a repair shop to have the system "reprogrammed"-because everything I tried didn't work-and its been fine for the past two weeks, up until tonight. Tried to crank it, didn't work, waited. Started for a bit then I had to get out to go back into the store, came back out, it wouldn't start again. Finally got it working so I made it home. Its MINUS 30 below zero here tonight......and I was stuck in the cold with a vehicle that would not work. Not cool. I've emailed the stealership saying I want a solution, and not have to fork out tons of money replacing parts that will just fail again. I'm willing to have the whole thing bypassed, I'm not going to mess around with this. Has anyone thought of making noise about this on Social Media to make GM sit up and take notice? Petitions?


after ignition bypass and days of resetting i finally got locked out of reset procedure this worked first time


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I have been dealing with this for years....I always used my original key, well 1 day I grabbed my close to unused "spare" key. Problem solved, haven't had the issue again. If you don't have a spare key, order a new key from the dealer, don't let them just cut 1 from your original!

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At the end of the ignition barrel inside the steering column is a black cap held by 2 screws. Replace that. It is the best repair for all these electric problems. Also be sure to file a complaint at NTSB.

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Could you please share where I can purchase a replacement for my 05 impala please?


Cal- you say replace the 'black cap' when you don't even say what it is or does? There are too many dangerous half-baked solutions on here... an engineer or experienced Class A mechanic who has worked with these problems is needed here.


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Hello people I have read the several fixes here on the forum but I don't like cutting wires just to make it work it kind of half @%^ to me. Anyway after poking around the dealers and asking questions they told me unfortunately there is no recall on this reoccurring problem of passlock lock out on my truck. So they told me to just buy the key ignition housing that has all the new components to the ignition including the passlock system inside. So I bought the new housing plus a bolt that you have to buy and went to my mechanic to install it plus programming of the new system in which they knew how to do it. Anyway my mechanic was way cheaper than what the dealer quoted to do the job about a few hundred dollars less. After they installed the new ignition housing with all the new components plus programming everything works great now no more false indicator chiming from my truck which indicateds that there is a problem with the system, that's when my truck just will not start for 10mins. For now I call I fixed.

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Just started having a problem that i believe is related to the passlock system. My security light came on last week for a few hrs. Then, twice, afew day apart, when u turn ignition key, fuel pump comes on, but will crank. I jumped starter and cranked engine, but it wont fire. Then, about 15-20 mins of trying, it will start right up.


Btw, its a 2002 Trailblazer.


I have a Chevy Astro van I watched you tube on bypass security code it work but few weeks later problem return now with security light stays on have tried multiple key relert now truck only start but shuts back off purchase refurbished passlock module can someone please give me any suggestions it will be greatly appreciated


98 1500 , 230,000 mi. How do I determine if the problem is with the key area or the module , I've opened the module and there no burned spots


With a full charged battery shut your door turn the on run position and leave it for about 20 minutes turn your off and start your vehicle


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I cleaned my battery post...the problem went away. Try it.

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I did this same thing and it worked for me as well!!!


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After dealing with this off and on for over two years, it finally became a daily issue and I got it to the dealership where they said they could finally replicate the problem. They replaced the ignition switch and I have had no issue for two weeks now.

I chatted via direct messages to two different Chevy customer care Twitter accounts with little to no help.

They know it is an issue but are reluctant to do anything.

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How much did you pay ?


thats the real question is how much was it compared to if i did the work myself with the part


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Hey guys my passlock seems to have a different effect on the 2007 Chevy Colorado. It disables the fuel injectors and doesn't allow the truck to start at all... it will crank and show you just how amazing the battery and starter are, but without gas you're just spinning your starter and draining your battery... you are All going to have to just stop being cheap tho. The doorman model of the ignition lock cylinder comes with a Passlock system and I'm pretty certain it doesn't need to be programmed on this particular model. I have the 4x4, 5 cylinder, crew cab. The part is 80$ and I would suggest a mechanic install over a 100$ an hour shop to save some money but i know not every one has one. I am buying the part asap and will update this as I learn more...

Update (03/05/2019)

Paslock can be replaced cheaply with an ignition part. You don't even have to replace your key. Mine is fixed, no reprogramming, minor self labor or minor shop labor is all that's required. Anyone that has a paslock issue ONLY needs to replace a simple ignition component.

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What’s the $80 part?


Ignition lock cylinder


Did you have the plain bare key without the chip? You just replaced the ignition lock cylinder and no programing was needed?


didnt work for me will not even turn over. jummped the solonoid and starter just spins does not engage. Replaced and rekeyed new switch and housing still wont even let me relearn. had a shop swap out the column and they had to do the jumper wire/ resistor thing and it worked until my daughter left her stereo on and drained the batt dead. now same sh*t. wont do any thing but beep at me. Im gonna blow up my 06 equinox


Exactly what is that inexpensive ignition part you are mentioning? If it is the ignition module, that isn’t exactly a secret. You can go ahead and call it by name.


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hola poseo una chevy colorado 2.9 2007 me tiraba el "candadito" segui los pasos del transportista sin gastar dinero

1-llevar llave 2° posision,

2-esperar a que desaparezcan los logos [ #] -[#]-[#]-[#] del la pantalla sonara un "clic" bajo el capot ponga atención al clic ok.

3- dar arranque


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Good day to you all too.... I had the same personal problem with my Chevy.... I when an bought a new key switch an reset the computer an I never gave that problem again...

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We have a 2004 Colorado, we have had 5 years, and it has done this ever since we got it, I hate waiting the 10 min and sometimes you have to wait a couple of 10 minutes. we took it to the Chevy place today and they told us it was the whole ignition switch housing module, they said it will cost around 400. to fix it. I sure hope it does.


I have a 2003 chevy venture and have been dealing with this horse $@$* also; paid dealershit 180 bucks to reset it at whitesides in st clairsville and 2 days later it started again. Headlights and warning lights flashing for at least 5 min, everytime you open a door the %#*@ lights flash I think GM should be held responsible for this bullshit OVER IT!!


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I have found, after all that i have read, nothing is a solid repair for this. So with that being said, I will give you My technique (and so far it has worked). My 04 colorado acts up occasionally. I have found if the ignition switch is just turned S-l-O-W-L-Y, most times it will fire. Sometimes not. If not,dont panic. Back the key off and try it again! Low and slow does it for me….

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Lol that is called a placebo my friend. You are Actually waiting the ignition lock out process out obviously without realizing it... takes around 15 minutes to stop disabling your fuel injectors...which is why it cranks without firing.... if you haven't already stopped abusing your starter lol...go ahead and stop


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On my 2008 Colorado, I have to:

1, put truck in neutral (5 speed manual)

2. turn key to on position,

3.  Press clutch to floor then release

4. Turn key to start and engine starts

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Doesn’t work for me. Tried it multiple times. You just got lucky, I think.


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Only way to permanently fix this is to send the PCM to a tuner and have them eliminate the VATS / Passlock. or pay the dealership 500 to have them replace the ignition switch assembly and reprogram

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Incorrect response. Paslock can be replaced cheaply with an ignition part. You don't even have to replace your key. Mine is fixed, no reprogramming, minor self labor or minor shop labor is all that's required. Anyone that has a paslock issue ONLY needs to replace a simple ignition component. Nothing this answer contains is correct I just don't have the rep to down vote it


You are partially correct. Maybe you got lucky and got the exact same R-Value passlock ignition module from the store. There are like 12 different modules you can get. Let ssay your R-Value is supposed to be 120 ohms ( just as an example ) and the module you get from the auto parts store is 200 Ohms. It's never going to start because the R Value doesn't match whats programmed to the truck.


chevy dealer wanted to charge me over $900 to replace the pass lock. i think i got lucky with the correct ignition and someone who was kind enough and smart enough (in my book) to help me. all the responses are really good. thanks! I love my malibu but don't know if I would buy another chevy b/c of this known problem


@greenguy84 you are respectfully full of sht.

didnt work for me will not even turn over. jummped the solonoid and starter just spins does not engage. Replaced and rekeyed new switch and housing still wont even let me relearn. had a shop swap out the column and they had to do the jumper wire/ resistor thing and it worked until my daughter left her stereo on and drained the batt dead. now same sh*t. wont do any thing but beep at me. Im gonna blow up my 06 equinox


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To fix the Passlock System on the 1st Gen Colorado / Canyon You need to replace the ignition switch Assy. Part # D1462G & if your Keys are worn bad you will need to get New keys cut from the factory Key Code don’t get new keys cut from your old worn out keys !

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didnt work for me will not even turn over. jummped the solonoid and starter just spins does not engage. Replaced and rekeyed new switch and housing still wont even let me relearn. had a shop swap out the column and they had to do the jumper wire/ resistor thing and it worked until my daughter left her stereo on and drained the batt dead. now same sh*t. wont do any thing but beep at me. Im gonna blow up my 06 equinox


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send pcm to limeswap and tune out VATS for $99 or a little over.

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After a few years of putting up with this problem, all of a sudden my 2006 Colorado started every time this year except once in Jan and again in Feb. After 8-9 months of "problem solved," now it didn't start. A couple of years back, it seemed as if Chevy dealerships didn't have a clue as to what the problem was, but did hit-or-miss troubleshooting with various components. Is there now a factory fix spelled out to dealers? Can my (literally) 3 doors down mechanic access the info and do the repair without wasting time being baffled by it all? I don't know enough to trust myself to do a swap-out.


Out of area, my wife took her car to a Chevy dealer in the area. It was making noise. I called them for an estimate, and they said it needed a new head. I said they were wrong. Then they said it needed a valve job (the major work in a cylinder head rebuild, almost the same as replacing it, duh.) Next they daid the carb needed rebuilt.They shamefully take advantage of people without mechanical background. Not at some sleazy gas station, but at a Chevy dealership that should have a shred of ethics. They certainly charge enough for their supposed superior work. I said they were wrong about a valve job and the carb work, too. I had just gone over it and knew much about it. When I went to get the car (I told them to just leave it alone), I saw they had just pulled off vacuum hoses to make it run badly, to cover the lies. They khew only a pulley bolt needed tightened, because they tightened it.) I put on the hoses, and left, refusing to pay for their swindling.


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I have a 2011 Silverado work truck .. I have tried every single thing mentioned in this group to no avail. Any other suggestions? No I can't take it shop or dealership cause I live on a budget an can not afford to have tow truck take it to anyone. Let alone the price a shop or dealership will charge.

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@lisaabernathy check the comment by Darrell Knister left on my original answer. You think that is something that's doable in your situation?


Hi Lisa. I have a 2004 Chev Impala that started doing this a few years ago and was recently doing it all the time. The ignition lock cylinder creates a resistance when you put the key in and turn the switch to “On”. There is a preset resistance coded into the BCM for the vehicle and it looks at the resistance from the ignition and compares it. If they don’t match it won’t allow the fuel Pinot to engage and that locks out the starter. The only real fix I know of is to replace the lock cylinder with a new one. I’ve done that and the problem is resolved. The ignition lock cylinder I purchased was from O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and was an OEM part that cost $155. It cam with instructions on how to reprogram the new lock cylinder. I followed a YouTube video on how to replace the cylinder and the whole process took me 2 hours. GM changed the passcode system for the 2006 year so there may be a slightly different system controlling the theft deterrent system. But you should be able to find that out by searching online.


Link on how to replace the cylinder (use the YouTube video for this part - much easier to follow) and instructions for reprogramming:


Here’s the YouTube video on how to replace the ignition lock cylinder in the 2007-2013 chev Silverado.

You could probably do the whole replacement in a little over an hour. P.S. keep the old keys as they fit your door locks. The keys that come with your new cylinder are for starting the vehicle but won’t unlock your doors.


You can buy a replacement ignition cylinder with keys on Amazon for as low as $20. I got one of those but it jammed so decided to go with an OEM cylinder. Way more expensive but is warrantied in case anything goes wrong with it.


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i have 2002 saturn sl2 not sure what security i have in it. car start but stalls immediately . my cylinfer qas stuck and keybwas loose you could remove it while engine is running lol. i force turned it and everything started happening after that. had ro drill my cylinder so now i need yo teplace my housing too lol. need some help here.

thank you

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