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On Teardowns:

Welcome to our user-contributed teardowns on the hottest new gadgets. You can write your own teardown, check out how others are contributing with their teardowns, and even check out disassembly photos and comprehensive hardware analysis.

HP Pavilion Slimline s5-1224

Special Note: The computer's interior houses...


In this guide I will show you how to teardown...

2.5" Toshiba SATA Hard Drive

Today we'll be tearing down a Toshiba 2.5" SATA...

Hori Pad Mini Controller

My controller's left joystick was acting...

JBL Tune 700BT

General Specifications: Driver size (mm) - 40...

My Arcade Pocket Player Pro

This guide explains the process of...

Motorola Moto G Play (2023)

This guide describes how to remove everything...

LG Chromebase 22"

The LG Chromebase 22cv241 has just one...

SteelSeries Arctis 1 Wireless Headset

The SteelSeries Arctis 1 Wireless Gaming...

Samson G-Track Pro

Samson G-Track Pro microphone teardown. This...