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What is the best way to dry used desiccant Silica-Gel?

I like to keep gadgets together with the accessories - an ideal way to store is a ziploc bag. Condensation is a worry with all electronics - therefore I want to use the small bags of desiccant that come with all sort of things.

What is the best way to dry these / restore them before use?

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I have a larger commercial product that I keep in my Camara Case. It has printed on its Case "Reactivate 3 hours at 300 F". Mine is about 4" x 2" x 1/2".


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Let the packets bake on a cookie sheet in your oven at 150 degrees for 12-18 minutes or so. Allow them to cool and they should be ready to go. Alternatively, you can find new ones on the internet for a relatively low cost.

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I accepted this answer as it attracted a score of 3 - meaning to me others think too this is the may to go. Thank You


Put the containers you intend to store the gel in the oven with the gel (air tight ones). Unless your camera equipment is in airtight containers the gel won't be effective for more than a short time, so you would have to change them regularly, as they will draw moisture from the wider area and become useless quickly


I know it's been a while but did you mean 150 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius?


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dry in a food dehydrator 120 f or 50 c for 2 or more hours i do this with color changing this works good

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Awesome... This info was really helpful. You should get more up-votes for this, definitely!


From what I've read, the colour changing type of silica packs should not be used anywhere near food items as they contain cobalt chloride, so unless you don't use your food dehydrator or oven for food, I wouldn't recommend those at all.


Don't know what is in them but I'm pretty sure they can be used in food and medication. Link to a Mfr website of one that was in an orc supplement:


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Just leave them a day in the sun, it will do.

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Actually, that depends on where you live. If you're in a very low humidity area, might work. In Florida? Forget it!


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IF it is a color changing Silica Gel, it can be reheated to 248 degrees Farenheit or 120 degrees Celsius to reset the colour change. As soon as the color has reverted, it can be re-used.

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leave it in the sun ...

some say put in oven or microwave, but limited tries...

perhaps for long term, can consider a dry box.

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silica gels adsorb moisture, so simply drying them under sun is simple technique...

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dry in a food dehydrator 120 f or 50 c for 2 or more hours i do this with color changing this works good


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