Well there is different options depending on what is on your usb c port, I work in construction industry and my phone has been in sand,mud, cement spill, and of course everyone has lint in there pockets, I tried many different ways but anything apart from lint should be a safety pin,
has to be strong enough not to bend when applied pressure downwards, and not to thick that it cant touch the base of port because it will bend your female connector out of its housing too far when scrapping debris Outwards as width of pin plus the debris pushes against the port when removing it especially sand,mud,mortar,soil,wax,sawdust. I find the safety pins in first aid kits are perfect size.
the key is to spray compressed air alot and don't freak out the moisture evaporates in seconds when used correctly and most phones these days are waterproof and.have moisture protection in the ports check this online Google your device and see if waterproof,
if it Is not you will need rubbing alcohol and swab into port sparingly and use safety pin around the inside edges.and scrapping left to right and slowly edge debris up and around side of the connector and repeat,
until you feel no fight in your left to right scrapping and every 15 mins plugging in usb charger without it being in mains to see how far it will go in will show you if you are close to cleaning all debris out it takes time and patience and alot of cleaning and wiping, blowing air every time you take charger back out to make sure not pushing any debris back down into corners.
Don't be scared to scrape hard if it's hard debris push down and and drag left to right then when u feel smooth scrapping do the sides of connector slowly as they catch alot of the $@$* and blast air
or swab if u have no waterproofing with rubbing alcohol and scrapping is same method as above
the pin won't damage port if its correct thickness and just take.your time and you will see small bits at a time come out.
Dental floss on a stick has a toothpick on the other end. Flat, pointy and stiff. Combine that with a dry toothbrush and blowing with your mouth. Get that lint and dust out.
by evansmichaelj
If you have any of those single-use plastic flossers with the toothpick point on the other end, they work wonderfully to clean out the port, especially if you have the ones that are more flat.
by Drake Dodson
If you have a beard trimmer, the cleaning brush that comes with that is pretty good
by Daniel Sampson
Small-sized ziptie - zero risk of it breaking and leaving something inside, nonconductive, and if you get a small enough one, it can reach all the way around the "tongue" inside the port.
by Art Hare
Same issue with Pixel XL. Astonishing the amount of lint that I dug out. Compressed air alone was woefully insufficient. Toothpick did the trick. USB C connectors now insert fully and make excellent reliable, stable connections.
by Scot Murray
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