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Why do my CPU and case fans spin but no startup?

Hi, so I recently finished a PC build and I went to power it on the fans spun, but no startup.

I have tried unplugging the PSU and holding power for 30 seconds and that didn’t work. Does anybody know what is wrong and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

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For me a bluetooth pci card was like 1mm Loose. -.-


1)Just check Ram (If Fan not spinning)...

2) Replace Motherboard (If Fan spinning but no display


Next time use Stabilizer to avoid motherboard fault


In my case, the issue was the front panel IO. Unplugging it from the mobo resolved the problem on Optiplex 9020 MT.


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Have you tried DrGlowire’s suggestions?

O.K., now unplug the power cable from the power supply, gently remove the silver “coin” battery (should have at least a 2.6v charge) from the motherboard. and press power button for 30 seconds. That alone should clear the BIOS but you can also do as listed below.

If you know where they are, short-out the two pins with the jumper OTHERWISE just leave the computer unplugged for at least 10 minutes or longer.

This will reset the BIOS setting to the “new” computer defaults.

Put the "coin" battery back in, plug power cable in and switch on.

If this doesn’t work you MAY have a bent pin on the CPU or the like.

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Thank you for the advice. It solved my similar issue


Thanks, this solve my problem.


What do I do with the battery, do I plug it back in or get a new one?


@Joshua Wilson

If you're asking about the RTC (Real Time Clock) coin cell battery then measure its voltage when it is disconnected from the motherboard.

It's a 3.0V DC battery, if it is <2.6V DC replace it. The RTC battery maintains the BIOS setting when the power is disconnected or turned off from the desktop.

When the battery voltage gets below 2.6V then there is a chance that the settings can become corrupted which can prevent a normal start when the desktop is turned on.

It is a non-rechargeable Lithium battery and it usually lasts for 4-5 years before a problem may occur, but this can vary. I've had some that lasted 7 years and others 4 so it is always prudent to check the voltage anyway.


@jayeff how do I test to see what voltage the battery has? And would I need to put the battery back in after the 10+ minutes is up? When do I put the coin back in


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There are a few things to try. You can check the voltages coming out of the power supply, you can check the cables to make sure they are seated properly.

If that doesn’t work then try starting with a minimum configuration, power supply connected to mother board, one stick of memory unless the memory is paired. Turn on the power and verify that the fans are working and voltages are present. Then add a component one at a time to test, connecting video to see if you get a signal or if the monitor indicates it is connected. From your description of using random parts I would guess that one or two parts may be defective or incompatible.

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should keep my desktop plug in while doing the 10 seconds thing?


@Magalona Family

All power needs to be disconnected/removed from the PC before pressing the PC Power On/Off button for ~30 seconds (sometimes 10 seconds is not long enough) to reset the BIOS in trying to fix the PC not starting problem


forget the above just look at your power settings in windows and make sure your power button iswitchs set to off and nothing else, even on the "power setting"and disable any windows boxes below your power setting in that window pane because some of them will be ticked by default. and that is the problem.It took me years to figure this out even after renewing my power button on my desktop computer-Asus 2013.I had changed the power settings a few years ago and had this problem since.i solved it in oictober 2022.


"forget the above just look at your power settings in windows and make sure your power button switchs set to off and nothing else, even on the "power setting" and disable any windows boxes below your power setting in that window pane because some of them will be ticked by default"

You really didn´t just say all that garbage, did you? read his post again.... he quite openly says, as everyone else responded to, that the computer wont boot. That means wont start. That also means no windows. Don´t you feel like a gumby now, lol.


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Any beep codes after turning on?

Does drive light come on?

Any flicker, etc. on monitor screen?

Have you tried unplugging everything except 1 RAM card (alernate these) and power supply?

Graphics card - on board or a card in slot?

Most motherboards have a two pins that can be shorted with a jumper that resets the BIOS or remove battery to clear .

Have you tried various components in another working system?

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I had issue with the ram.. 1 of the ram stick was faulty. Taking the faulty ram out solved the issue for me.

Mine was 1 year old pc. Not new setup.

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Hard drive plugged in? Loose RAM? Bad PSU? Corrupted BIOS?

Add a comment if there’s anything specific about the machine.

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The hard drive is plugged in, the ram is brand new, and the PSU is also new. Also how would I fix corrupted BIOS? The rest of the parts of the PC are random parts I had around(Motherboard, CPU, case). I have used the PC before, and it worked. I just went to turn it on and this happened.

Thanks in advance!


I think for a corrupted BIOS, you can download a new revision of it and burn it to a flash drive, than try to boot from USB. If not... buy a new motherboard. *sigh*


Is there an OS on the drive? Because it could not be detecting. Also, if there's a graphics card, and your monitor is plugged into that, try switching to the onboard video ports on the mobo. (If it has any)


I just upgraded to a new CPU, motherboard, and ram. I turn it on and nothing happens the quick debug lights don't show anything so I don't think it is any of those things. All the parts are new and I have an SSD with windows on it. When I plug in the HDMI cable I get a no signal alert on my monitor. The monitor works on other computers as well. I don't have any spare parts to test with also.



More info is needed to help you.

Make and model number of motherboard.

Make and model number of CPU

Have you checked that the connections are all OK?

Check that the PSU turns on by performing the paperclip test You can also check if the PSU voltages are all OK if you have a DMM (digital multimeter)


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check your power settings in windows and what the start button does.I changed to high power setting and little did i know but windows has further default settings when you choose this and so i had great difficulty booting.The computer would start and the fan come on but nothing else just a black screen.I tried a new switch with restart button and this worked after using start button.The problem was solved by going into windows power settings and unticking any boxes below that setting on what the power button does.This solved years of this problem for me.It was not the memory or power supply at fault.

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Lights are on but nobody’s home issue. PSU , RAM , CPU , Motherboard internal speaker, LED and power connectors , BIOS reset, Graphics output and If none of those are the cause cable, monitor or board issue. Nothing else is needed to power on to post screen. PWR LED and speaker are essential for error codes.

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